Apex modular announced as manufacturer for coodos housing across asia





APEX MODULAR, established in 2023 as a joint venture between JAT Property Group and Apex Asia Holdings in Sri Lanka, was recently appointed the Licensed Manufacturer for Estonian-based Mobile Module Supplier ‘LTG Lofts’. APEX MODULAR emerged as the most aptly qualified and certified manufacturer for LTG’s spectacular, retro-futuristic ‘coodo moon’ housing units for the Asian market and is expected to  complete the first coodo Resort in Sri Lanka, scheduled to open in Q2 2023.

‘coodo moon’ housing units are envisioned to become the most sought after modern mobile home units, compatible with varying regional climates and weather conditions. Geared for a future and planet-first audience, the modern housing also features numerous sustainable, and green living functions controlled via a personal smart device (IoT Technology).

Commenting Co-CEO, APEX  MODULAR – Richard Gunawardene noted: “In this respect, our production facilities are the perfect complement to manufacture the different coodo modules, with our maximised  experience in the building sector we will be working with LTG to ensure that the coodos produced in and for Asia and the world are compliant with local requirements. Our location in Sri Lanka along with all the great infrastructure available allows us to easily ship these units to several countries in Asia and to other spots in the world.”

LTG’s mobile housing units are available in various designs, and its standardised dimensions and modular system allows individual units to be combined and expanded, transported and assembled and disassembled with ease. Depending on the requirement, the modern housing unit could be constructed as complete residential houses or compact holiday homes, as well as conference facilities, event areas or pop-up stores. Thanks to their standardised dimensions, they are easy to transport and thus offer their users the possibility to easily set up and take down them at different locations.

Speaking with Co-CEO, APEX  MODULAR – Shawn Gajasinghe stated: “Due to the recent and impactful changes in the world today, there is a change in the needs for different travel and working environments. coodo represents a new form of living and working that allows maximum flexibility and a high degree of customisation due to its flexibility in its placement.”

Commenting on the partnership, LTG Founder & Managing Director – Mark Dare Schmiedel added: “We found the best partner to cooperate with in Asia, and we are pleased with the level of expertise Apex Modular has built within its group and the quality that comes with it. We anticipate this partnership to benefit our customers not only in Asia but eventually, worldwide including, in Australia, Europe and the Americas.”

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