HNB FINANCE relocates Bandaragama branch





January 31, 2022: As part of its initiative to continuously improve on its accessibility for customers and to meet the increasing demand for integrated financial services around the island, HNB FINANCE PLC recently relocated its Bandaragama branch from 1/1, No.12, Panadura Road, Bandaragama to No.55, Horana Road, Bandaragama, in order to extend the company’s customer-centric services to the greater community of the Kalutara District and Western Province with more convenience and ease.
In essence, the relocation was done in order to enhance the customer experience at a more spacious location, equipped with all of HNB FINANCE’s services and tailored customer relations. Customers will also be able to access the company’s industry leading gold loan facilities, in addition to financial services such as leasing facilities, savings and fixed deposits, business loans and housing loans- all under one roof.
The opening ceremony of the relocated Bandaragama branch was graced by HNB FINANCE Managing Director and CEO Chaminda Prabhath, while other senior management members as well as the Bandaragama branch staff were also present.
“We are proactively accelerating our efforts to expand our outreach and accessibility through branch relocations and new branch openings across the island, as our strategy aims to retain HNB FINANCE as the go-to financial services provider for all of our customers. With this newly opened branch, the community of Bandaragama can now enjoy our premium offerings with more trust and certainty, as we have always strived to maintain for our customers,” expressed HNB FINANCE Managing Director and CEO Chaminda Prabhath.

HNB Finance PLC was established in the year 2000 and is licensed as a registered Finance Company by the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Maintaining an extensive island-wide presence across 77 branches, HNB Finance offers a range of exceptional financial services which include Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Loans as well as leasing, gold loans, housing loans, personal loans, real estate and property loans and savings and fixed deposits facilities. The company holds a National Long-term Rating at ‘BBB+(lka)/RWN’; as affirmed by Fitch Ratings, certified as a Great Place to Work and ranked 57th among Top 100 brands in Sri Lanka by Brand Finance.

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