SLVA emphasizes strict adherence to protocols for imported eggs, commends DAPH’s efforts to safeguard citizens’ health





Colombo, Sri Lanka – The Sri Lanka Veterinary Association (SLVA) emphasizes the strict adherence to protocols for imported eggs and commends the Department of Animal Production and Health (DAPH) for their efforts to safeguard the health of citizens, before releasing the imported eggs from India to the local market.

As previously reported, the SLVA expressed concerns over the recent importation of one million table eggs from India by the GOSL. However, after close monitoring of the situation, the SLVA would like to acknowledge the GOSL’s adherence to established procedures and guidelines before releasing any imported eggs to the market, safeguarding both the poultry industry and the public health of citizens.

“SLVA appreciates the Director General (DG) and the DAPH for ensuring the quality of the imported eggs and their adherence to the provisions given by the Animals Disease Act 59 of 1992 and the protocols of the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) and International Trade. It is crucial that all parties involved in the importation of eggs follow protocols and guidelines to avoid potential public health risks associated with the consumption of imported eggs,” stated SLVA President Dr. Dilan Satharasinghe.

The SLVA emphasizes the importance of sample testing to ensure that the imported eggs are free from Avian Influenza (AI) and Salmonellosis. Therefore, the egg samples must be sent to the Veterinary Research Institute (VRI) and Medical Research Institute (MRI) for testing before releasing them to the market. Since egg is an animal-origin product, it is crucial to prevent the spread of foodborne diseases to the public.

The SLVA would like to reassure the public that they will continue to closely monitor the situation and ensure that all protocols and guidelines are followed.

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