World Vision successfully concludes project on Child Centered Disaster Risk Reduction with National Event





World Vision’s Child Centered Disaster Risk Reduction Project recently held a National Level event in Colombo to share their experience with other key stakeholders on the conclusion of their project.. Over 25 children from the Nuwara Eliya participated in the event sharing and presenting their achievements and lessons learnt to a large gathering of distinguished guests.
In October 2021, World Vision implemented a Child Centered Disaster Risk Reduction collaboration with Department of Probation and Child Care Services and Disaster Management Centre in Nuwara Eliya under the theme of “Empowering Children for Disaster Risk Reduction” with the financial support of Aktion Deutschland Hilft Germany.
The project empowered children and adolescents as leaders in identifying and managing disaster risks and coping mechanisms regarding climate change in their communities. The children received essential trainings in disaster preparedness covering first aid, risk assessment, risk reduction,and developing action plans. The children beneficiaries were also supported in implementing prioritized action projects with the support of duty bearers. The children are linked to the disaster management coordination committees in their areas through child societies to contribute to their community’s disaster preparedness plans.
“We have seen great value in the inclusion of Children’s Societies in local DRR plans, and hope they can continue to be included in the future”, said Dr Dhanan Senathirajah, National Director of World Vision during his opening remarks, “As a country we in a new era with this current crisis, I therefore suggest that all the key stakeholders present here to consider our children as one of the major implementing partners in the future development of our nation”.
Chief Guest Mrs. Nilmini Herath, Additional Secretary (Development), Ministry of Ministry of Women, Child Affairs and Social Empowerment highlighted that the role of child rights organizations in enhancing the coping capacity of the vulnerable children during an emergency as well as during the ongoing crisis. She also emphasized the need of integrating CCDRR with long term development programmes to create a safer environment for the future generation.
Keynote speaker Maj. Gen. Sudantha Ranasinghe, Director General of Disaster Management Centre, highlighted that “engaging children in collaborative activities and decision making exposes them to multiple perspectives, critical deliberation, analytic and problem-solving approaches, and strategic planning, and it supports cognitive and social development”. He also said that steps will be taken to ensure child participation in the disaster management through country’s legal framework. Further, Maj.Gen. Ranasinghe stated that children should be capacitated not only to face natural disasters but also to other emergencies as well.
A panel discussion highlighting the future of child engagement in disaster risk reduction was conducted at the event. Representatives from the UNICEF, the Disaster Management Centre, the Department of Probation and Child Care Services, World Vision Sri Lanka and a representative from Child Societies in Nuwara Eliya participated Representatives from Government, International and local Organizations including Mr. Namal Liyanage, Commissioner of Department of Probation and Child Care Services and Mr. Sunil Jayaweera, Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Management Centre attended this event.
World Vision is a Christian, relief, development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. We work through our main sectors –health and nutrition, water and sanitation, economic development and child protection – serving all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender. Our work is always child-focused, participatory and community driven. World Vision and has been in Sri Lanka since 1977 and currently serves in 30 locations in 15 Districts across the country through long-term development programmes. In 2022 we directly impacted the lives of over 100,000 most vulnerable children and their families.

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